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Establishment of the Institut Pasteur du Japon

 Establishment of the Institut Pasteur du Japon

Fondation Pasteur Japon is pleased to announce its reestablishment as the Institut Pasteur du Japon (IPJ).

IPJ will advance fundamental research through newly established Pasteur Joint International Units (PIUs) at the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, and Kumamoto University; they will also conduct public health research in partnership with members of the Pasteur Network across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, foster innovation by creating a technology and start-up ecosystem, and prioritize education and training for young scientists. The establishment of IPJ is part of the Roadmap on France-Japan Cooperation under the "Exceptional Partnership" agreed by the leaders of France and Japan in December of 2023. Supported by both governments, IPJ will launch the Pasteur Aging Research Center (PARC) with Kyoto University and the Planetary Health Innovation Center (PHIC) with Tokyo University. 

A reception marking the announcement was held at the French Embassy in Tokyo on June 24, 2024, featuring a signing ceremony attended by key officials and leaders from both countries, including Ambassador Philippe Setton (Embassy of France in Japan), Dr. Yasmine Belkaid of (President of Institut Pasteur), Dr. Teruo Fujii (President of the Tokyo University) and President Dr Nagahiro Minato (President of Kyoto University). IPJ will aim to become a world-class institute dedicated to fundamental and public health research on immunology and will conduct research activities to improve public health in Japan and beyond. 

"The promising collaboration between the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and the Institut 

Pasteur offers the opportunity to establish Institut Pasteur du Japon as a leader in life sciences and to ensure its worldwide impact in surveillance, prevention, and identification of emerging pathogens".

– Professor Yasmine Belkaid, President of the Institut Pasteur