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Recycle to End Polio w/ EXILE TETSUYA

Recycle to End Polio w/ EXILE TETSUYA

 On October 23, 2023, a general meeting of the Polio Parliamentary Caucus was held at the House of Representatives' First Members' Building, the day before "World Polio Day." On that day, a report was given regarding the "RECYCLE TO END POLIO" project, which had been carried out nationwide, announcing the collection of 239,350 plastic bottle caps. This project is led by the certified NPO World's Children's Vaccines Japan Committee (JCV) with the aim of recycling bottle caps and contributing the proceeds to the distribution of polio vaccines worldwide. During the 71-day project period from July 28, 2023-October 6, 2023, collection boxes were placed throughout the country to gather bottle caps. 

On that day, the campaign ambassador, EXILE TETSUYA, actively participated in the promotional activities of this project, and during the general meeting, a letter of appreciation from JCV was presented to the Polio Parliamentary Caucus and TETSUYA.

Please click on the link below for more details:

Please watch this UNICEF video below to learn more about the polio eradication campaign: