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Update: PEIC Session Update (April Session Postponed to May)

*Update!! The April Session is postponed to May 29th, 17:00-18:00 (Japan Time); info for session down below

🎉 Announcement: May PEIC Session Update 🎉

After our March session on epigenetics featuring Dr. Guillaume Bourque, we're thrilled to announce our next speaker for the May session of the Pasteur English Immersion Club (PEIC)! We are pleased to introduce Dr. Gary Wong, a Senior Researcher at the Virology Unit at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge!

🗓 Date & Time: May 29th (Wed), 17:00-18:00 Japan time

🌟 Guest Speaker: Gary Wong; Senior Researcher at the Virology Unit at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

🔬 Research Paper: Viral diversity in wild and urban rodents of Yunnan Province, China

Theme: Viral Diseases

Link to the paper: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/22221751.2023.2290842

Before the session, we encourage you to read the research paper and prepare insightful questions (2-3 questions preferred) for Dr. Wong.

🕗 Session Format:

Introduction: (~5 min)

Get acquainted with fellow members and Dr. Wong.

Presentation: (~20-25 min)

Dr. Wong will deliver a brief presentation about his background and introduce the research paper.

Q&A Session: (~30-40 min)

Engage directly with Dr. Wong, asking any questions you may have (we recommend preparing questions in advance).

Closing Remarks: (~1-2 min)

Conclude the session with final thoughts and announcements.

📎 Zoom information (please find the link below):

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81247542490?pwd=SXpzWngyalNxdThqbmlxWXhHVUJpUT09

Meeting ID: 812 4754 2490

Passcode: 232641

If you have not signed up yet, please sign up on our Google form and join the Facebook group!

🔗 Registration below:


🔗PEIC Facebook Group:


Mark your calendars and join us on May 29th! ⏰